Summer is just around the corner, and in Texas, that means brutal heat is just around the corner too. Of course we have ways of adapting to the heat... running the a/c with reckless abandon regardless of the $300 electric bill we know is coming, pool/beach/river time... and of course... cool, refreshing beverages. Just the thought has me inspired to find some of the best Summer cocktail recipes. To me, they should be fizzy, fruity, and fresh (sorry for the shameless alliteration), and these are some of my favorites.

summer cocktails

St. Germain is one of my favorites, as is champagne, so those are always a good idea. And I love all of the fresh fruits like grapefruit and peach, and green additions like mint.

What is your favorite Summer cocktail?



If you're anything like me, you often find yourself unable to show restraint around cookies, you cry at just about any movie you've ever seen, your hair puffs up like a blowfish in even the mildest humidity... or maybe you're just like me in the sense that you love all things Kate Spade. Well my friends, if you haven't yet heard of Kate Spade Saturday, you are in for a treat.

Kate Spade Saturday recently launched as the more accessible (read: affordable) and slightly less girly girl sister line to the colorful and sophisticated fashion empire that is Kate Spade. These are a few of my favorites from the line so far.

kate spade saturday

I just posted last week about my love of stripes and this bold black and white print jumped out at me immediately. Pair it with fun prints, bright colors (it wouldn't be Kate Spade without color), and retro-inspired and fun accessories, and I put this one in the win column for the folks over at Kate Spade. Bravo.



Stripes are something that I used to never think much about, but I keep finding myself drawn to them lately. I think they're a great way to make any look a little more interesting. Thin stripes, bold stripes, vertical and horizontal stripes... I'm a fan, and I think conventional fashion rules that say horizontal stripes are unflattering are just silly.






Stripes are lovely all their own, but you (almost) can't go wrong mixing them with other prints and colors too. So tell me... do you wear stripes? What's your favorite way to wear them?

(images via)


It started with the outdoor chairs from West Elm (see below). Then when I spotted a pair of yellow skinny jeans and had to make them mine, I knew... yellow is without a doubt my favorite color right now. Such a bright and cheery hue just seem like the perfect way to usher in Spring, and what a lovely Spring it has been so far.

yellow blog

I seriously can't get enough of that chair, and it makes me think of perfect Summer evenings outside with a glass of wine. And I spotted this series of classic books at Anthropologie a few months ago, and for someone like me who's read Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice at least 4 times, having a beautiful and timeless edition is pretty much one of the happiest things I can think of. I also love the bag and belt because you can add them to anything for instant Springtime goodness.

What is your favorite way to usher in Spring?



I've been a terrible blogger. I know it. You know it. I intended to take a short break to get caught up on some things, and before I knew it, over a month had gone by! I love this blog and it's become my favorite creative outlet, but sometimes, other things are just simply more important for a short time. And for me lately, keeping up with a demanding work schedule, prioritizing time with family and friends, and house hunting has meant this blog got pushed to the back burner. And truth be told, I just wasn't feeling very inspired, and sometimes I think taking a break is the absolute best thing you can do. That applies to almost anything in life. Whether you're busy with work, busy with kids, or just plain busy... it's amazing how a little time away can give you a renewed sense of energy, focus and inspiration. And that's my soap box about that.

So as I mentioned, we are in the throes of a full blown house hunt. I think we've looked at houses built in every decade since the 1930's, and while we haven't yet found THE house, it's got me thinking about all the great possibilities for our new home. One thing that I'm really looking forward to is new furniture. As apartment dwellers, we've always been hesitant to commit to a piece of furniture, without knowing what our long-term home will be like or what furniture will work in it. So I'm excited to finally start putting together a home with pieces that we will love and cherish for years to come. Silly as it may be, one of the things I'm most excited about is getting a new coffee table. We've already mentally picked out our new sofa, so I've been scouring the internet for the perfect table to go with it, and these are some of my favorites so far.

coffee tables


I love how unique and eye-catching each of these are... even if some of them are completely unrealistic for our budget. Bright pops of color like the green table are one of my favorite things right now, and I'm continually drawn to pieces with interesting lines. But the acrylic table... oh the acrylic table... that is my absolute favorite, and I feel fairly certain that it will be the one for us.

What do you look for in a piece of furniture, and which of these is your fave? Do tell!
