Lately I find myself drawn to the color red. It started with small pops of red, then grew with the red jeans trend, and in looking through Pinterest the other day, I realized that red has become one of my favorite things.



I love a subtle but eye-catching pop like that mirror, and orange-reds are by far my favorite of the red family. I also just found this last-season swimsuit that I'd wanted oh so much for a really great deal, and it kind of made my day. I know it's a classic color that never really goes out of style, but I definitely think it's made a comeback in its own right.

(images via)



For reasons that I won’t go into today, I’ve been advised to adopt a diet with very little sugar. Trust me, I was as horrified at the idea as you probably are right now. But the thing that has made the new change easier to stick with is giving myself a cheat day… one day a week where I eat what I want. And because I now only get one day a week to indulge in sugary, sweet, gooey, baked goodness… let’s just say I make it count. This is how I made it count this week. I saw this recipe a few weeks ago, and gave it a try, and these are the fudgiest, densest, thickest, most indulgent brownies, and it is my new go-to brownie recipe… one day a week.  



I made just a few slight changes to the original recipe. To make these, you will need:

1 stick of butter and more for greasing the pan
1 (slightly heaping) cup bittersweet chocolate
1 ½ cups sugar
3 large eggs
1 ½ tsp vanilla extract
¾ cup all purpose flour and more for dusting pan
¾ cup cocoa powder
¾ tsp salt


- Preheat the oven to 350˚F. - Butter a 9-inch square baking pan and dust with flour, shaking off the excess. - Cube the butter, and place it and the chocolate in a large heatproof bowl set over simmering water. - Stir frequently until the chocolate and butter are melted completely. - Resist the urge to eat it.




- Remove the bowl from heat and let it cool for 10 minutes. - Stir sugar into the chocolate mixture. - Again, resist the urge to grab a spoon and end the whole thing here. - Whisk in one egg at a time. - Add the vanilla. Seriously, don’t eat it yet. - Shift the cocoa powder, flour, and salt into the chocolate mixture and whisk until everything is well-blended. - Pour the batter in the pan.




- Now feel free to eat anything left in the bowl. Waste not, want not. Go nuts. - Bake for 35-40 minutes. A toothpick inserted into the center should come out mostly clean. - Let it cool and then run a knife around the edge to loosen. - Cut the brownies and feel free to dust them with powdered sugar. They’re just prettier that way.




Happy baking, my friends.



Last time I did a post like this, I believe I cleverly (I think) titled it "Love it, Get it". But I feel like that's a little misleading, because I'm not really trying to show you where to get the exact items you're seeing. I mean, it would take forever to find the exact same pieces, I'm weary just thinking about it. And, I think when you see a look that you love, the goal should be to put your own spin on it. And that's why I'm now calling these posts "How I'd Wear It". Ok, down to business now. Olivia Palermo. She has gone from a virtual unknown (at least to those of us not keeping up with the New York socialite scene), to a blossoming fashion icon. I see her picture pretty often these days, and I always find myself impressed with what great style she has. I saw this a few weeks ago, and liked it because the idea to wear denim/chambray, leather and blue suede heels would never occur to me, but it looks just lovely. And this, my friends, is how I'd wear it.


I tried to find pieces that were realistic (for the most part) to my budget, and that means real leather and Birkin bags are out of the question. But I love the Marc Jacobs bag, some of my favorite jean brands make great faux leather pants, and I really like this look with a little more worn and less structured top.

Hope you like it!





Have you guys checked out West Elm Market yet? I was going through my phone a few weeks ago deleting all of the emails I get from various retailers every. single. day. and an email from West Elm caught my eye. They're launching a new concept store that expands their traditional store offering to include every day household items, including kitchen and dining, personal care, and even appliances, for cryin' out loud. The products are also now available online, so naturally, I had to go through and build a list of my favorites from the new collection.


I'm weirdly into artfully designed food packaging right now, and they have a nice array of different syrups, vinegars and spreads... which seems like a natural extension of parent company Williams Sonoma. And I dare you not to love a vintage-style chartreuse refrigerator. Some pieces are bold, some are simple, some rustic, but they all share that signature West Elm style, and I love it.



I hope that 2013 is off to a beautiful start for all of you! It certainly is for me. I turn 31 today. Yikes. Am I the only one that thinks life is moving just a little too fast? Things like birthdays always remind me that I need to be taking the time to enjoy my life, because it is an astoundingly blessed one. And in the name of taking time to enjoy the little things, I thought I'd put together a collection of my favorite things right now. Don't get your hopes up... I'm not Oprah, and I'm not giving them away. But I do hope you'll check them out.



1. I think it only appropriate that my hairdresser introduced me to Bumble and Bumble's Hairdresser's Invisible Oil. I feel like I've been let in on an industry secret. It makes your hair shiny and soft, and super full but light as air at the same time. It's worth the spend, and a little goes a long way so it will last you forever.

2. Season 2 of "Girls" is starting on Sunday and I couldn't be more excited, because the writing is brilliant, the characters are second to none, and let's not kid ourselves... I need more Shoshanna in my life.

3. It's always the dumbest things that inspire me to work out, and right now it's these Nike Free Run 3 shoes. They're absurdly comfortable and lightweight and they have breathed new life into my resolve to get my ever-expanding behind in shape.

4. Rifle Paper Co. is one of my great new loves in life. I don't think I need to wax poetic yet again about my love of paper products, but this is a great little company, and this notebook will soon be mine.

5. More paper, I know, but I love the color and simple design of these note cards from SilhouetteBlue, and they remind me of how much I love getting hand-written notes in the mail. I also love that they chose a grand name like Olympia Biddeford.

6. I paint my nails all the time. I love trying new colors (light gray and emerald green are my favorite right now), and to me, it's like expensive perfume... probably no one notices it but me, but it makes me feel fancy. So to take care of my nails, a nail and cuticle salve like this one from Fig + Yarrow is the perfect addition to my manicure routine.
